Sydney Harbour showing the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House

Unlock access to Australian Job Prospects

Aus Job Link is a private networking platform where we aim to streamline your job and opportunity search for your next chapter in Australia

Looking for opportunities in Australia?
Looking for new team members?

Bringing Together People and Businesses

The challenge with finding Australian opportunities...

Traditional job searching involves candidates actively browsing job boards and company websites to apply for roles, often tailoring resumes and cover letters for each application. Furthermore the “Local First Hire Rule” means Australian companies are legally required to advertise positions twice to local nationals before seeking overseas talent. Applying via job boards often means competing with locals, reducing your chances of being considered.

This process can be time-consuming, highly competitive, and often results in limited feedback, making it challenging for overseas talent to stand out and progress efficiently.

These challenges pave the way for Aus Job Link, offering an alternative, more efficient and targeted approach to your job search.

These are only some of the occupations that Australian businesses are looking for...

ICT Systems Test Engineer
Web Developer
Construction Project Manager
Carpenter and Joiner
Computer Network and Systems Engineer
Automotive Electrician
Analyst Programmer
Materials Engineer
Aeronautical Engineer
Boat Builder and Repairer
Hospital Pharmacist

How Aus Job Link Works

The Current Process
Aus Job Link's Process
Aus Job Links saves you time, effort and stress at a time when you need your time most

*Note that the visa application process still applies for both processes

Aus Job Link is a private networking platform where a candidate can easily create a profile that is visible to Australian companies and recruitment agencies specifically looking to fill vacancies they have been unable to fill locally. Simply set up your profile and wait as recruiters seek you out based on your skills and experience, streamlining your job search with minimal effort.

Benefits of Aus Job Link

Saved Time and Effort

Instead of applying for multiple positions, you create one comprehensive profile, and employers find and approach you, saving you the effort of regularly seeking and applying for new positions.

Direct Connections

Aus Job Link directly connects Australian companies and recruiters actively seeking international talent, bypassing lengthy traditional job search and application processes.

Exclusive Environment

Exclusivitiy ensures employers and businesses on our platform present genuine job offers, investing time and resources in dedicated overseas talent, creating a focused and committed environment for mutual success.

Real-time Insights

Monitor your profile's reach and gauge your marketability with insights into potential employer views.

Psychological Safety

Aus Job Link offers psychological safety by allowing candidates to be discovered without the fear of rejection in a secure environment.

Privacy and Control

Candidates maintain privacy and control over their information, choosing to whom they disclose their full details.

Foster Mutual Success

By allowing employers to proactively connect with people, overseas candidates gain empowerment, while businesses access top global talent, fostering a win-win scenario for all involved.